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Baz and Raz are proud to help Leeds City Council make the community a great place


Congratulations on receiving the first 4 Site Security Team of the Month Award to Hakim Baz and Alusine Kamara who are our Community Safety Liaison Officers working in the Capable Guardian Project in Leeds. Since January, Baz and Raz have been making a positive impact on their patrols in the city to help provide a safe environment for all in this new initiative which is a visible deterrent to antisocial behaviour.

The Project Manager for Leeds City Council told us: “Both have settled in well and are very proactive in engaging with the communities that they are patrolling/meeting with. They are able to engage well with people and are keen to involve themselves fully in the work that they are undertaking.” The pair have a specific focus in the South Leeds area.

They are a perfect match for this community role. They are enthusiastic and energetic, people-focused, and driven to help make this project a success because they are committed to supporting their local area. Baz and Raz are particularly keen to continue developing their experience and skills in this area of work which they both find professionally and personally rewarding.